
UNESCO Chair of Bioethics and Human Rights

The chair promotes a broad exchange of ideas and the sharing of different experiences through dialogue between higher education institutions of different countries, especially developing countries. Our direct partners (UNITWIN) are Universidade Agostinho Neto (Luanda, Angola) and Universidad Anáhuac (Mexico City, Mexico). The UNESCO chair establishes a space for reflection, study and information on the application of the principles of bioethics in science, medicine and new technologies, in light of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights of UNESCO. Through integral training, research and information, the chair aims to contribute to the recognition and promotion of a global and integral vision of bioethics, bringing to light universal values and principles and their legal implications in relation to human rights.



International Bioresearch Institute

The Institute is accredited by the Nigerian government, based in Nigeria. It promotes research in the biomedical field. It focus on the following sectors: biotechnology, medicine, economics and law.



Italian Boxing Federation

The Federation was founded in Sanremo, in Liguria, in the middle of the war, in 1916. The initiative was by Goldsmith and Lomazzi, who became respectively President and Federal Vice President. The Federation unites all the Italian sports groups.

San Michele Hospital

San Michele Hospital is a care home able to provide social and welfare services dedicated to the most vulnerable, aimed at maintaining and improving the quality of life and the psycho-physical well-being of the guests. The goal is to create a family environment in which guests live peacefully in the community, without feeling useless and excluded from active life.



Mediterranean Institute of University Studies

The scope of action of the IMSU is higher education, post-graduate specialist training in agreement and collaboration with the best Italian and foreign universities in the field of classical (philosophy and archeology), legal, economic and educational sciences studies  and in the field of technical-scientific studies based on cultural exchanges with Mediterranean countries.



Research Center in Environmental Sciences and Biotechnology

CESAB is a Catholic-inspired scientific institute, born in May 2010. It collaborates with numerous universities, research centres and scientific and cultural associations. It stipulated cooperation agreements with international institutes for the development of experimental research and training. Cesab’s belief is that the academic and the business world can make a system and work together. Cesab has the task of researching in the energy and environment sector. It uses various professional skills for psychological, statistical, technical studies (including environmental quality controls, energy efficiency, management of public service networks). In addition, Cesab designs software, technologies for energy efficiency and focuses on the ethical certification of companies to evaluate production and industrial processes according to the schemes of the main international standards.



BAM Radio

Bam Beyond Any Music is a non-profit association born from the union of publishers, musicians, composers who want to give a particular edge to their activity in the musical world.