The activities of the Human Right programme are aimed to create awareness, acting and fighting any form of violation of human rights through a never ending campaign. Steadfast acts by contemplating awareness-raising, welcoming, listening, cultural, artistic, academic, communication and advocacy activities. Defend the value of life and allow every person to enjoy respect for human rights. We give voice to the voiceless. We help restore freedom and dignity to people's lives, especially the most vulnerable. Areas of intervention for this programme: Advocacy, Communication, Training, Listening, Reception. Within this programme, the following projects are active:

  • "EndSlavery"
  • "Observatory on Christianicide"
  • "EndSlavery" project: since 2014 Steadfast has been engaged in the battle against exploitation and trafficking. It collaborates with listening centres for disadvantaged and violated women. In the same year a permanent study group to analyse the exploitation of women in Nigeria has been activated and, in collaboration with the International Bioresearch Institute, it carries out research on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation from Nigeria to Western countries. Also in 2014, the programme led to the opening of a Listening Desk for women victims of violence and difficult pregnancies. The purpose of the helpdesk is to give concrete assistance and help to women in difficulty, proposing effective and extremely concrete solutions. The help desk is active and currently operates in Italy in the area of ​​Pisa with headquarters in Calci. Since 2016, the EndSlavery project has opened a focus on surrogacy, carrying out permanent studies and research on the phenomenon of Baby Farms (Factory) in Nigeria and on procreative exploitation. The study groups on the human trafficking pay particular attention to the issues of illegal immigration, surrogacy, prostitution and child soldiers. EndSlavery project, in addition to processing and analysing data on new forms of slavery, acts by putting in place media campaigns in order to raise awareness and combat the violation of human rights.
  • "Observatory on Christianicide": Steadfast is active in denouncing the abuses and violations of human rights that occur against Christians. Since 2019 we have been operating within the Observatory on Christianicide at the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, implementing advocacy actions to sensitise public opinion and governments on the religious persecution that occurs against Christians, a dangerous escalation, present in many countries of the world.

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