???????? #Maciej ha tempo solo fino a giovedì 21 poi l’ospedale belga dove è ricoverato potrebbe decidere in autonomia di staccare il suo respiratore uccidendolo. La famiglia ha dato procura a #SteadfastOnlus per agire sul fronte medico, legale, mediatico e di raccolta fondi. La prima azione che vi chiediamo di intraprendere è di far diventare virale la sua storia ma sempre e solo con toni pacati. Non servono attacchi agli ospedali ne tantomeno caos gratuito. Un’altra necessità, urgentissima, è un aiuto economico per far fronte alle spese legali quindi, chi può, doni da subito a questo link indicando la causale “Per Maciej” .

La storia completa di Maciej la trovate in questo articolo di Avvenire:

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???????? #Maciej has time until Thursday 21st, then the Belgian hospital where he is hospitalised could decide independently to remove his ventilator terminating his life. The family has given Steadfast Onlus Power of Attorney on the medical, legal, media and fundraising front. The first action we ask you to take is to make his story viral but always using calm tones. We discourage everyone to harass and go against the hospitals and its medical staff or create any kind of chaos to the hospital (either through media or in presence). Another urgent need is an economic aid to meet the legal costs, so who would wish so can immediately donate to this link indicating the reason “For Maciej”

Press agencies that want information can write to or call
+39 338 9656333.

Do not call or write if you are not a journalist because every second matters.

For individuals, it is possible to send messages to the page and an administrator will reply as quickly as possible.

Maciej story was told today in the Italian newspaper Avvenire and this is the translation of the original article:
Appeal to Belgium. Parents: “Don’t take the ventilator off our son Maciej”.
The doctors at Sint-Jan in Bruges want to turn-off the vital supports of the 6-year-old on Thursday: he has brain damage. The father and mother oppose it. Steadfast Onlus: “Violation of rights”.
Two parents desperately struggle in Belgium to prevent their son, a six-year-old boy, Maciej, from having his life-saving machines removed said Steadfast Onlus (the same one that dealt with the cases Alfie Evans, Charlie Gard and others). The story – which in some ways recalls the two tragic events that in recent years have divided Great Britain, putting the justice and families of the two very young patients against each other – begins in November 2013, when the little one, then a baby, fell ill, developing a strong fever.
The health managers of the Sint-Jan hospital in Bruges, Flanders, where the baby is being admitted, tell the parents that there is nothing more to do: Maciej’s organs have stopped working and the baby is no longer able to breathe alone. The doctors decide to interrupt the life support, with the desperation of the parents, then the miracle: Maciej’s organs start working again and he goes back to breathing alone, so much so that the family can bring him back home. The child suffers from cardiomyopathy (a serious form of heart failure), and has been listed as disabled.
Unfortunately, the drama reappeared last 3rd November, when Maciej again developed a violent fever. When the family reaches the hospital emergency room, the same doctor who told them to say goodbye to Maciej six years ago, repeats that nothing can be done. At first he refused to take the child to the intensive care unit, declared the couple and then, faced with the father’s request to write down the decision, he changed his mind. Maciej is resuscitated for an hour and a half, so the doctors tell her parents that his brain is severely damaged.
However, according to the parents who have been contacted by Steadfast, no document is provided to certify the brain damage. The couple said that the child was given an apnea test to see if he could breathe on his own, first for fifteen minutes, then for ten. The sanitary staff established that Maciej was no longer able to breathe autonomously and announced that next Thursday, November 21st, the life-saving machines would be disconnected.
The parents, who obviously feel abandoned, insist that they have seen Maciej take several breaths on his own, saying that he reacts to the touch, tries to shake hands, opens his eyes and sometimes manages to watch cartoons on television.
“This case – declared to the media the president of Steadfast Onlus, Emmanuele Di Leo – is a clear violation of human rights. Despite the negative opinion clearly expressed by the parents, the hospital wants to suspend the ventilation of the child, in defiance of any right.
The original link is:

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